Lot #: 3139
1859 Folded Letter, Prince Edward Island to Canada East
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island to Sherbrooke, Canada Fast, 10 November 1859. The cover prepaid threepence currency at Charlottetown that travelled via Montreal, Canada Fast, marked by that office on 23" November 1859 (reverse); this suggests that it travelled overland, or was held for the Cunard feeder service for mails from the United.
Although Canada adopted decimal currency on 1 July 1859 Prince Edward Island did not change until 1 January 1872; inter-provincial letters from Prince Edward Island continued to be rated in pence and shillings currency, threepence currency per half ounce.
$300 - $500
Sold for:
US Stampless, Eastern Seaboard
Ex Malcolm Montgomery
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