Lot #: 5015

#24 1c Blue, Ty. II, Tied On 16 Page Printed Booklet to New York

Tied by Jan 28 Cleveland cds to New York

The Cleveland Herald's First Annual Statement of the Trade and Commerce of Cleveland

A 16 page printed booklet from the Cleveland Herald reporting the business statistics of Cleveland for the year 1857. The reports list many commodities and the volume of such which both transited and came to Cleveland. The front cover was folded open so the inside blank page could be used for the addressee and application of the one cent stamp. Booklets weighing less than four ounces were charged a penny for postage.

The cover is addressed to Edward(s) Pierrepont who later became President Grant's Attorney General.

Opening: $300
Estimate: $500 - $750
Sold for: $300
Category: US Stamps and Postal History, US 19th Century
Catalogue: Scott 24