Lot #: 5142

#279b 2c Red, Ty. IV on Pre-Pan American Exposition Slogan Machine Cancellation

This die was installed on a Barry machine in the Buffalo main post office.

The first cover is Bomar type B01-13B with a numeral 1 in the bars die space, which was used from Sep 17 to Dec 31, 1901 The stamp is a 2¢ (Scott #23279b) which is used on a Buffalo & Susquehanna Railroad Co. corner advert cover with multi-coloured Exposition advertising. The Fair was open between May 1 and Nov 1, 1901.

The second cover is Bomar type B01-14C which was used between Jan 2 & Aug 28, 1900.

Opening: $90
Estimate: $150 - $200
Category: US Stamps and Postal History, Pan-American Exposition
Catalogue: Scott 279b