Lot #: 5121
Cover Written to the USS Emma of the North Atlantic Blockading Squadron
3c rose tied by grid cancel with Jul 13 Plainfield, N.J. cds on cover addressed to W.H. Manning aboard the USS Emma of the North Atlantic Blockading Squadron.
The USS Emma was a Confederate blockade runner. She was captured on July 24, 1863 off Wilmington, NC. The United States Navy purchased the vessel at the New York Prize Court in November 4, 1863.
The Emma served in the blockade from November 1863 through the end of the War. She served off the coast of North Carolina, and participated in the attacks on Ft. Fisher in December 1864 and January 1865.
$100 - $200
Civil War Postal History, Union Civil War Mail River Gunboat and Costal Blockade Squadron
Scott 65
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