Winter 2025 Sale Live Bidding.

Sale 3 Friday      January 3  @  1 pm EST / 10 am PST    Lots 3001-3165  Stampless Postal History                                            
Sale 4 Saturday January 4 @ 12 pm EST /  9 am PST    Lots 4001-4160  Carriers, Independent Mails and Expresses           
Sale 5 Saturday January 4 @  3 pm EST / 12 pm PST    Lots 5001-5229 US Stamps and Postal History including Civil War
Sale 6 Sunday    January 5 @   1 pm EST / 10 am PST    Lots 6001-6280  Locals         

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  • (-) Civil War Postal History
Found 44 Results
Civil War Postal History, Union Civil War Mail River Gunboat and Costal Blockade Squadron

Lot #: 5111

Bombardment of Port Royal Engraved Illustration

Engraved print for the 1863 Edition of Abbott’s Civil War: The History of The Civil War In America; Comprising a Full and Impartial Account of the Origin and Progress of The Rebellion, and of the various Naval and Military Engagements, and the Heroic Deeds Performed in the Field, the Camp, the Hospital; by John S.C. Abbott; Illustrated with Maps, Diagrams, and Numerous Steel Engravings of Battle Scenes from Original Artists, and Portraits of Distinguished Men; Published 1863 by Ledyard Bill: New York; Clarke & Company: Indianapolis, Indiana, 1863.

Opening: $60
Estimate: $150 - $250
Category: Civil War Postal History, Union Civil War Mail River Gunboat and Costal Blockade Squadron

Lot #: 5113

Advertising Cover addressed to Surgeon aboard the USS Sebago, West Gulf Blockading Squadron

3c Rose tied by grid cancel,New York Oct 17 1864 Cds, to New Mobile Bay. "Frank Leslie's Publications" advertisement on reverse.

Opening: $90
Estimate: $150 - $250
Sold for: $90
Category: Civil War Postal History, Union Civil War Mail River Gunboat and Costal Blockade Squadron
Catalogue: Scott 65

Lot #: 5114

Cover carried out-of-the mails, to the Surgeon of the Fleet G. R. B. Horner at Key West, Florida, aboard the USS St. Lawrence.

Cover, carried out-of-the mails, addressed to the Surgeon of the Fleet G. R. B. Horner at Key West, Florida, board the Colorado.

The U.S. S. Colorado was commissioned on June 3, 1861, and Fleet Surgeon Horner was assigned to the Colorado shortly thereafter. The vessel was decommissioned on June 28, 1862 at Boston. Horner then was reassigned.

Opening: $70
Estimate: $150 - $250
Category: Civil War Postal History, Union Civil War Mail River Gunboat and Costal Blockade Squadron

Lot #: 5116

Cover to USS Benton, "U.S.SHIP 3 CTS"

Very Clear Strike

Clear strike of "U.S. SHIP/3cts." in circle cancel on cover to New Haven, CT. The marking "U.S. Ship 3 CTS" was applied aboard ship to letters collected from other vessels and carried by the ship to a Federal post office for handling and distribution.

A notation on the back of this cover indicates that it was mailed from the gunboat USS Benton. This vessel took an active part in the Federal operations to open the Mississippi River and its tributaries.

Opening: $120
Estimate: $250 - $350
Category: Civil War Postal History, Union Civil War Mail River Gunboat and Costal Blockade Squadron

Lot #: 5120

Cover Written Aboard the USS Vanderbilt During the Search for the USS Alabama

3c Rose with grid cancel, and black JAN 30 New Bedford, Mass cds on cover to New York with manuscript "2" and black "SHIP." Manuscript "Ship Letter US Seamer Vanderbilt."

This cover was given to another ship by the writer on the "Vanderbilt" and brought to New Bedford, Mass. It was written during the period where the Vanderbilt had orders to search for the CSS Alabama.

Opening: $60
Estimate: $100 - $200
Sold for: $60
Category: Civil War Postal History, Union Civil War Mail River Gunboat and Costal Blockade Squadron
Catalogue: Scott 65

Lot #: 5121

Cover Written to the USS Emma of the North Atlantic Blockading Squadron

3c rose tied by grid cancel with Jul 13 Plainfield, N.J. cds on cover addressed to W.H. Manning aboard the USS Emma of the North Atlantic Blockading Squadron.

The USS Emma was a Confederate blockade runner. She was captured on July 24, 1863 off Wilmington, NC. The United States Navy purchased the vessel at the New York Prize Court in November 4, 1863.

The Emma served in the blockade from November 1863 through the end of the War. She served off the coast of North Carolina, and participated in the attacks on Ft. Fisher in December 1864 and January 1865.

Opening: $50
Estimate: $100 - $200
Category: Civil War Postal History, Union Civil War Mail River Gunboat and Costal Blockade Squadron
Catalogue: Scott 65

Lot #: 5122

Cover Written to the USS Fort Donelson of the North Atlantic Blockading Squadron

3c rose tied by grid cancel with Aug 4 New York double circle datestamp on cover addressed to USS Fort Donelson, North Atlantic Block Squadron, off Wilmington, NC.

Opening: $60
Estimate: $100 - $200
Sold for: $60
Category: Civil War Postal History, Union Civil War Mail River Gunboat and Costal Blockade Squadron
Catalogue: Scott 65

Lot #: 5123

Cover Written to the USS Sebago of the West Gulf Blockading Squadron

3c rose with target cancel on cover to the U.S.S. Sebago, inbound Norfolk, Va, March 8, 1865.

The "Sebago" was a large sidewheel steamer that was part of the Western Gulf Blockading Squadron operating off of Mobile, Alabama at the time of this letter. She participated in the Battle of Mobile Bay.

Opening: $60
Estimate: $100 - $200
Sold for: $60
Category: Civil War Postal History, Union Civil War Mail River Gunboat and Costal Blockade Squadron
Catalogue: Scott 65

Ex Walske

Lot #: 5124

Cover Written to the USS New Ironsides of the South Atlantic Blockading Squadron

3c rose tied by target cancel on cover addressed to U.S. Steamer Ship New Ironsides, off Charleston, SC with Mar 20 Lynn, Mass cds.

The USS New Ironsides was stationed off Charleston, South Carolina, protecting the wooden blockaders from attack by Confederate ironclads.

Opening: $60
Estimate: $100 - $200
Category: Civil War Postal History, Union Civil War Mail River Gunboat and Costal Blockade Squadron
Catalogue: Scott 65

Lot #: 5125

Cover Written to the USS Azalea of the South Atlantic Blockading Squadron

3c rose tied by "U.S. SHIP" straightline marking with Philadelphia Aug 5, 1864 cds on cover to New York.

The tug/gunboat USS Azalea was assigned to the South Atlantic Blockading Squadron in June 1864. It served off Charleston, SC. The vessel arrived back in Philadelphia from blockade duty on August 4, 1864, carrying a load of letters from sailors involved in the blockade.

Opening: $60
Estimate: $100 - $200
Category: Civil War Postal History, Union Civil War Mail River Gunboat and Costal Blockade Squadron
Catalogue: Scott 65

Lot #: 5126

U.S. SHIP Straightline to Hyde Park, PA

3c rose tied by target cancel on cover with "U.S. SHIP" straightline marking and Sep 1

The marking "U.S. SHIP" was applied to mail which originated from sailors and soldiers aboard ships on blockade duty and soldiers along the Atlantic Coast. The Bermuda was part of the South Atlantic Blockading Squadron which patrolled the Atlantic coast from the
North Carolina/South Carolina line to Cape Florida. The Bermuda arrived in Philadelphia on September 17, 1864 from Wilmington, NC.

The marking was applied to sailors' and soldiers' mail brought into the port of Philadelphia. The letter was charged the normal 3¢ postage, but not the 2¢ ship fee because such mail was considered federal mail and, therefore, not liable for such charge.

Opening: $60
Estimate: $100 - $200
Category: Civil War Postal History, Union Civil War Mail River Gunboat and Costal Blockade Squadron
Catalogue: Scott 65

Lot #: 5127

Cover Written to the USS Fort Donelson of the North Atlantic Blockading Squadron

3c rose tied by grid cancel with Jan 13 New York cds on cover addressed to U.S. Steamer Fort Donelson, North Atlantic Block Squadron, off Beauford, NC

Opening: $60
Estimate: $100 - $200
Category: Civil War Postal History, Union Civil War Mail River Gunboat and Costal Blockade Squadron
Catalogue: Scott 65

Lot #: 5128

U.S. SHIP Straightline, 3c Rose Pair with Left Margin, addressed to the USS Bristol of the South Atlantic Blockading Squadron

3c rose pair with large left margin, tied by Mar 1863 Philadelphia cds with "U.S. SHIP" straightline marking on cover to Bristol, Conn.

The Massachusetts was part of the South Atlantic Blockading Squadron which patrolled the Atlantic coast from the North Carolina/South Carolina line to Cape Florida. The Massachusetts arrived in Philadelphia on March 30, 1863 from Wilmington, NC.

This letter was charged the normal 3¢ postage [x2 in this instance for an overweight letter), but not the 2¢ ship fee because such mail was considered federal mail and,
therefore, not liable for such charge.

Opening: $60
Estimate: $100 - $200
Sold for: $60
Category: Civil War Postal History, Union Civil War Mail River Gunboat and Costal Blockade Squadron
Catalogue: Scott 65

Lot #: 5129

Cover Written to the USS Arago

Two 3c rose singles, tied by large grid cancel and New York cds on cover to Hilton Head, SC. Manuscript "Recieved Hilton Head S.C. Sept 5 1864" and "Steamer Arago"

The Arago carried troops and supplies on a regular schedule between Beauford, SC and Hilton Head, SC.

Opening: $60
Estimate: $100 - $200
Category: Civil War Postal History, Union Civil War Mail River Gunboat and Costal Blockade Squadron
Catalogue: Scott 65