Lot #: 5087
Two #65 3c Dull Red Singles, Tied on Eagle and Shield Patriotic Cover, Addressed to Prince Edward Island
Cross Border Usage
Cover Soiled with Faults. Top Left Backflap separating.
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Cover Soiled with Faults. Top Left Backflap separating.
Cover Soiled with Faults, Creases
Single with manuscript cancel and matching manuscript "Fredericksburg," on 1862 multicolor flag & globe patriotic cover to San Francisco.
Like Bishcel 4228, W-2220v
Fort Sumter. Red, white & blue patriotic cover with design showing Eagle & Crossed Flags above Fort Sumter used to Canada & franked with 1861 10¢ green (small defect) with grid cancel & indistinct postmark below, light strike of "U. States/10 Paid" exchange handstamp in red and backstamped with arrival postmarks, some minor edge wear & toning on reverse.
Like Bischel 1316, W-760
1c Blue and 10c Green each tied by framed "Paid" cancels, red Boston Apr 14 origin cds and red oval "U.S. 10cts. Paid" handstamp on red white and blue flag patriotic cover to Kentville, Nova Scotia. Partial Kentville (4.23.1862) arrival backstamp, prepaid 1c carrier fee plus 10c cross border postage; cover repaired at lower left, reduced slightly at right.
Ex Hutchinson
Red and blue design with blue pointing hand and "TO WASHINGTON VIA BALTIMORE" on sign post (Like Bischel 3657, W·2008va), to Ohio, with blue 'FOREST CITY Cal" cds.
Ex Hutchinson
Figure Leaning on Shield small Red, White & Blue Design with Blue "Let our watchword ever be, Country, God, and Liberty" Imprint below, on Ladies Cover, franked with 10c Green with grid cancel. Red "NEW BEDFORD MASS JAN 27 PAID" Pmk, Red "U STATES" Arced Exchange Marking, and 1862 backstamp, addressed to Clyde River, Nova Scotia.
Bischel 3901, W-2225var
Ex Bischel, Hutchinson
Single with black grid cancel on multicolored "The Constitution" patriotic cover, red "New Haven, CT, Nov 14, (1861)" double circle postmark, "San Francisco, Cal. Advertised Dec 25, 1861" marking, and red "Unclaimed" handstamp on reverse. Like Bischel 5068. Addressed to John A. Rockwell Esq. in San Francisco.
"With Large Flag Red" White & Blue Design on Cover, with "SAN FRANCISCO CAL/ APR 7 I 862" Prnk., addressed to Barron NY, slightly reduced at right.
From the Nutmeg sale, Bischel 4395. W-Unlisted
Ex Nutmeg Sale, Bischel, Hutchinson
Murphy's, Cal., Feb 4 (Calaveras). Two strikes of blue cds, one tying 1861, 10c green on cover to Pottsville, Pa., with red and blue eagle and shield patriotic design at left; light cover edge wear and small tear at right.
This cover is the Cover Image for the 1988 Western Cover Society Vol 48, No 2 and is discussed on page 6.
10c Green tied by target, with "Oro Fino, Cal." postmark on Multicolor Waving Flag Verse patriotic cover with small staining, otherwise Very Fine.
"Our Flag
And long may it ware, as it ever
has since it
was first unfurled,
unsullied and triumphant."
This rare flag design may have been printed by the firm of Anton Roman, a printing and publishing firm in San Francisco.
Addressed to "Messrs Crawford Brothers, Beith, Ayrshire, Scotland, who operated one of the oldest linen thread manufacturing houses in the United Kingdom.
"Glasgow JUN 8 63" and "Beith JU 9 1863" datestamps on reverse.
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